by Sandra | 01/04/24 | Blog, Lifestyle, Wellbeing
Let’s talk about Sleep Have you noticed a change in your sleep as you’ve got older? As we navigate the various changes that come with reaching perimenopause, I don’t know about you but one thing that changed drastically for me was sleep.The importance of getting a...
by Sandra | 01/01/24 | Blog, Lifestyle, Wellbeing
How stress impacts body fat and what you can do about it Have you noticed as you’ve got older you are starting to store fat in different places? For most of my adult life, I was a pear shape. Always bigger around the hips. Then once I hit 40 my boobs started...
by Sandra | 01/12/23 | Blog, Lifestyle, Wellbeing
How to Navigate Perimenopause and beyond Perimenopause and menopause are words that we are hearing a lot about in the news these days, yet it can still be a minefield and very confusing for so many of us.It’s a natural phase of a woman’s life that marks the end of her...